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Mohamad Zatari (in Arabic محمد زعتري) is an Aleppian oud performer and composer,
currently based in Bucharest, Romania.




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Fifteen Questions Interviews with Mohamad Zatari


"Science could be a way to decolonialize music. I’m happy that the microtone is getting a good space recently in musical discussions. For European musicians and listeners it is still only a scientific matter, no emotions attached."

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The debut album by the Mohamad Zatari Trio, Istehlal (January 2023 on Berlin-based Zehra), was the pretense for our meeting. On that record Mohamad is joined by Avadhut Kasinadhuni from India on tabla and Sara Nezamoleslami from Iran on tar. Together, they create a thoroughly unique hybrid of music incorporating different lineages and points of view.




In the modern world, the common line of acceptance and understanding of human nature aims to search for a more objective perspective that would create a rather empirical representation of humankind. 

Mohamad Zatari Trio | Full Concert

Mohamad Zatari Trio | Full Concert

November 29, 2020 Mohamad Zatari Trio Virtual Concert Sara Eslami (Tar & Composer - Iran) Avadhut Kasinadhuni (Tabla - India) Mohamad Zatari (Oud & Composer - Syria) Sound: Alexandru Zaharencu Video: Magda Zatari Photo: Adrian Danciu Program: 0:05 "Desire" Composed by Mohamad Zatari 4:26 "The Road" Composed by Mohamad Zatari To those who are still struggling to reconnect with their beginnings. 9:56 "Oud Solo " Mohamad Zatari 11:00 "Black Tea" Composed by Mohamad Zatari 14:05 "Tar Solo" Sara Eslami 16:36 "Zarbi Mokhalef" A composition of Hossein Alizadeh rearranged for trio by Sara Eslami & Mohamad Zatari. 22:26 "Eves Chatters" Composed by Mohamad Zatari 26:42 "Quasi-Hora" A composition of Mohamad Zatari inspired by the relationship between this dance from Balkan & Dabke, a Levantine folk dance. 31:30 "Sefid-Rud/White River" Composed by Sara Eslami 36:27 "Longa Farahfeza" A composition of Riad Al-Sunbati rearranged by Mohamad Zatari. Longa is a Turkish & Eastern European dance that was introduced to Arab music. Mohamad Zatari Trio was founded in 2019, based on the desire to transcend the boundaries between the sound worlds. The group's first appearance took place at the Outernational Days Festival, in 2020. The trio consists of performers Sara Eslami (Iran) on Tar, Avadhut Kasinadhuni (India / Romania) on Tabla and the ensemble's founder, Mohamad Zatari (Syria) on Oud. The approached repertoire includes original compositions signed by the group members, Sara Eslami and Mohamad Zatari, but also rearranged traditional pieces from West Asia and North Africa, which combine timbers, techniques, and aesthetics in a lively and original form. The event was hosted in collaboration with the Romanian Peace Institute – PATRIR as part of the STIRE Cultural Market. The Syrian cultural market is designed as a social interaction three-day event for bringing together the resettled people of Syrian origin with established diaspora and/or refugee organizations in the region from the same/similar origin. We are thankful to: Ramona Iacob Andrei Gamart
Quieter Than Silence | Full Concert Roots Revival | Mehdi Aminian & Mohamad Zatari

Quieter Than Silence | Full Concert Roots Revival | Mehdi Aminian & Mohamad Zatari

Quieter Than Silence - A Roots Revival Project in collaboration with creative arts November 11, 2017 tour & Album launching - Bucharest, Romania Mehdi Aminian: Ney, Setar, Vocals (Iran) Mohamad Zatari: Oud (Syria) Leila Soldevila: Double Bass (France) Behnam Masoumi: Tombak & Percussion (Iran) Roots Revival respects your right to an uninterrupted viewing and listening experience. However, we count on your kind support and donations to make next projects possible. To donate, click on the link bellow: The line up of this performance is: 00:00 - Intro 0:42 - "Hezar Pareh" - A composition by Mehdi Aminian inspired by Persian Chahar Pareh (A division in Persian Dastgah System) Words by Hatef Esfahani (Year 1783)" “You're lurking and have your arrow ready to shoot me, and I am anxious and sorrowful. And all my anxiety is caused by the possibility of you missing the target!” 6:22 - "Don't Go", Composed by Mohamad Zatari, Arranged by Both musicians words by Rumi: “Hidden as a soul, you enter through my heart! O luster of my garden, you are my gracefully dancing cypress. If you go, Don't go without me; soul of my soul, Don't go without body, Do not depart out of my sight, O my blazing torch.” 13:46 - "Falling Star" - Composed by Mohamad Zatari followed by Ney and Double Bass duo Improvisation 20:00 - "Chahar mezrab Dashti" - A piece by Maestro Jalil Shahnaz - Arranged by Mehdi Aminian (Inspired by Kayhan Kalhor's interpretation) 24:07 - "Oud Solo" - Mohamad Zatari 28:10 - "Madness before Silence" - A piece composed by Mehdi Aminian where the madness of rhythms struggles to find its peace and silence. 33:40 - "A Shattered Beauty" - An Old Syrian song (Hal'Asmar-ellon") reinterpreted and rearranged by Mehdi Aminian & Mohamad Zatari 38:14 - Percussion Solo - Behnam Masoumi 44:06 - "How long?" - A composition by Mehdi Aminian inspired by Ommar Khayam poem (1048 -1131): "How long to spend in sorrow wondering if I have enough or not...? And a life time wondering if I spend my living euphorically or not... Fill up the goblet since It's not clear to me This breath that I take in I take out or not... " Ommar Khayam 57:40 - "Lullaby for the travelling child" - Composed by Mehdi Aminian - Arranged by both musicians “My love, remain a kid, The world will force you to grow. My love remain a kid, you will be sick and tired of the world if you grow up. It is so cruel that the moment you forget your childhood it turns you into a stone!” Ahmad Shamloo 1:04:26 - "October" - Composed by Mehdi Aminian "Quieter than Silence” is a project of the Roots Revival Cultural Association based in Vienna. "What is this metaphor we call silence? In our music, silence does not want to abstain from utterance. On the contrary, it wants to render the intentional or imposed state of muteness on the way to universal consciousness and to sublime awareness. This music intends to create a space beyond silence (“Quieter than silence”), of the complete dissolution of speech. Speech that has been emptied of meaning in an ever noisier and aggressive world. A world where less than ever is being done to revive the human dignity trampled under never ending consumerism, wars, conflicts, nationalism and their consequences. This is an era where words and communication have lost their primary function. This project makes the symbolic journey of returning to nothingness, a tabula rasa of existence in order to invest sounds with a new creative power, worthy of dialogue. “Quieter than Silence” is rooted in Persian, Syrian and Sufi music cultures, applying various rhythmical and timbral elements throughout the process, which makes it a unique artistic repertoire hard to attribute it to particular geographical identity. "Quieter than Silence” is a dedication to the wandering Syrians in distress and grief. It is a form of compassion and a protest against all the noise in the world." Video: Liri Alienor Chapelan To find out more of Roots Revival projects visit: For more Info visit: You can find the album here: Spotify: Amazon: Deezer: Google Play: Tidal: iTunes: مهدی امینیان: نی, سه تار و آواز محمد زعتری








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